1406 497th Street, St. Ansgar, Iowa 50472 (postal address for Mona, Iowa)
Mona Lutheran Church is located 1 mile south of Lyle, MN on Hwy 218, turn Right onto Mona Drive & go approximately 1⁄4 mile SW on 500th Street to Epic Ave, turn left & go 1/8 mile south OR: 8 miles north of Saint Ansgar, IA on US Hwy 218, turn Left onto Mona Drive & go approximately 1⁄4 mile SW on 500th Street to Epic Ave, turn left & go 1/8 mile south.
Mailing Address - PO Box 69, Lyle, Minnesota 55953-0069
Phone - (507) 325-2437
Worship Schedule: Varied Schedule: Please refer to newsletters; Services rotate among three locations.
*For inclement weather announcements please watch for updates on Facebook or on local television winter weather related cancellations.
President: Craig Whalen
Secretary/Treasurer: Courtney Whalen
Trustees: Nathan Garvey & Ramona Schatte
Deacons: Nancy Mickelson, Becky Fredrickson
Board of Education: Kelsey Bundy & Wanda Hanson
Come one, come all children!
Sunday School Schedule: Refer to weekly bulletins or monthly newsletter
If you are interested in teaching, please contact a member of the Education Committee.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery (Mona)
There's so much to see and learn about your ancestors on Find A Grave! So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about those at the Pleasant Hill cemetery.
2022-2023 Cemetery Board
President: Kevin Myhre
Secretary: Sue Horgan
Treasurer: Arelene Myhre
“Honking for Jesus” is a unique musical ministry that began in 1972. Services take place outdoors on the east lawn & parking lot of the church at 7:30 pm on designated Sunday evenings in a refurbished chicken coop.
The audience sits in their cars to show their appreciation and approval of the musical and spoken messages, and are highly encouraged to “honk their car horns!” There are a variety of musical offerings including single performers, trios, quartets and blue grass fiddlers. There is something for everyone from traditional to contemporary hymns and songs. The spoken messages vary but the main purpose is to draw people to a comfortable setting for worship with an important mission and message—that of our Lord Jesus Christ! Many good friendships have been formed over the years. All denominations welcome!
The outdoor services draw folks from a wide area in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. The focus of each service is presenting Christ’s message of hope and encouragement through music and faith stories. Some of the people attending may have problems, may be seeking help that may come to them as they listen to the phrases of a contemporary gospel song or someone’s testimony.
The services are held in early evening to attract senior citizens and others, perhaps with health problems, who may not be able to come to a morning service. Overall, the intent is to provide a worshipful experience for all in a casual, warm & friendly atmosphere. Once the service is over, all are welcome to join the sponsoring congregations of Mona and Six Mile Grove Lutheran Churches for coffee and refreshments.
A group of congregation members will be leaving for Oaxaca, Mexico in March 2020 on their 25th mission trip to assist in the Lord's work. The group will work with and besides Samuel Sanchez and members of his seven-plus congregations in and around the State of Oaxaca. During the years of our Oaxaca involvement the Trinity Lutheran Parish has been an important part of this ministry by helping many families become self-supporting and strengthening many communities.
The Mission Group has been asked to help, both physically and financially, at several locations with a variety of projects. The work projects are chosen with consideration for the number of people in our mission group, the physical ability required for the project and the gifts sent with us for funding.
If you would like to contribute to the Mission Group we can assure you it will be put to good use and will benefit many. Contributions may be made to Mona Lutheran Church. Please write Oaxaca Mission on the information/memo line. If you are unable to contribute at this time, please remember our mission in your prayers.
If you have questions or are interested in joining us for a future mission experience please contact a group member for information.
Myron or Monica Hemann at (507) 438-2291
Jan Helgeson at (507) 437-3376
Wanda Hanson at (515) 290-0936
Friends of Ngong Road provides education and support for Nairobi children living in poverty whose families are affected by HIV/AIDS so they can transform their lives. Paula Meyer, Founder and President of Friends of Ngong Road is a fellow congregation member of Mona Lutheran Church.
Trinity Lutheran Parish