58251 105th Street, Lyle, Minnesota 55953
From Highway 218 north of Lyle, go East on Mower County 6 for 3 miles, then south 1/2 mile.
Mailing Address - 103 Pershing Ave, Lyle, Minnesota 55953-0069
Phone - (507) 325-2437
Email: sixmilegrovechurch@gmail.com
Worship Schedule: Varied Schedule: Please refer to newsletters; Services rotate among three locations
Bible Study: Sunday's at 10:45 AM / Six Mile Grove’s dining hall.
Sunday School:
Please review the monthly newsletter for information on Sunday School.
*For inclement weather announcements please watch for updates on Facebook or on local television winter weather related cancellations
President: Steve Sampson
Secretary/Treasurer: Sarah Douglas
Deacons: Timm Ehret, Jim Sampson, Teri Zimmerman
Trustees: Brian Helle, Jamie Patterson, Brian Mason
Education: Nikki Sampson, Stacy Mason, Crystal Hansen, April Helle
Art Slindee Scholarship Committee: Carol Rector, Pam Sampson, Diane Sampson
2022 Constitution (pdf)
DownloadThe Cemetery Restoration Project has been awarded a monetary grant from Worth County Development in November 2022. Contributions from individuals are always welcome. Please direct your contribution to Project Coordinator, Mark Ashley.
Section 1 and Section 2 are almost complete. There are a few minor repairs to continue in those sections for 2022. Beginning in the Spring of 2023, we are moving full steam ahead with Section 3 and Section 4. To view a map of the cemetery sections, please visit Six Mile Grove Church's front entryway.
Anderson Memorials will be making the necessary improvements in stages. Anderson Memorials will be assisting with large projects: adjusting sunken stones, aligning rows, securing broken stone, etc.
Volunteers have come together to help clean stones within family lots. We welcome anyone to assist, which can be done at any time, at your convenience!
Please contact Mark Ashley if you have questions on how to proceed. (Please note: there are certain chemicals we prefer to clean headstones).
God’s Blessings,
Mark Ashley
SMG Cemetery Project Coordinator
% Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church, P.O Box 69, Lyle, MN 55953
(507) 433-3357 (Mark's Home Phone Number)
All students have the opportunity to learn new songs and to gather for prayer. Classes are dismissed to the Sunday School room (downstairs) for fun activities learning about the B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me (and you!).
If you are interested in teaching please contact a member of the Education Committee.
Noah's Ark Playground & Park
Noah's Ark Playground & Park is a beautiful area outside of Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church to be enjoyed by our youngest members and their family. The park area is used by our youth groups and is available for picnics or a fun outdoor adventure anytime.
How can you held support the park?
Playground equipment is purchased with monetary donations contributed by our members. We are always welcome to ideas for equipment that may be beneficial to meeting the needs of all youth. Not only does the playground support fun and exciting outdoor play.
The playground area and remaining grounds of Six Mile Grove Church offer the opportunity to sit and enjoy nature. A variety of benches and tables are available to host a family picnic or to stop by and reminisce with ancestors.
To Provide Donation Support:
Please direct monetary donations to: Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church
Six Mile Grove Church
PO Box 69
Lyle, MN 55953
Please remember to document your donation is to be directed towards the Ark / Playground. If you specifically prefer to support the purchase of a bench or table please direct your funds to this request along with your preferred location for placement. We will attempt to accommodate the placement to meet your wishes.
Do you need help? Do you know someone who needs help? Do you know someone who is alone? Have you lost your job and concerned how you'll financially cope? Do you need help providing food for your family? Is there a neighbor who is in need of homemade meals? Do you know of someone who needs transportation to their doctor appointments? Or simply, you just need someone to talk to. Would you like us to pray for you or someone you know?
(507) 325-2437 sixmilegrovechurch@gmail.com Or submit the Help Request Form below
Art Slinde Scholarship Application
Are you a member of Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church and are you attending a vocational school, college or university? Maybe you're interested in a program at Good Earth Village?
Great news: You are eligible to apply for the Art Slinde Memorial Scholarship!
Arthur T. Slinde was born on January 27, 1914, in Adams Township, Mower County and was the son of Bertha (Anderson) and Arnold Slinde.
He enlisted in the U.S. Army on June 6, 1942 and was stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He became Corporal, serving in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany. He went overseas on the Queen Mary and became a prisoner of war during the Battle of the Bulge for four months. When the Germans forced the soldiers to walk to a different prison in December, he carried a young man most of the way across Germany for a day and a half to avoid leaving the young man to die.
He returned to the states on a tanker with waves so high that at times they wondered if they would make it back. He was discharged on October 29, 1945. After returning home, Art made a living in the Lyle area and took up dairy farming and raising beef cattle. He was a long-time member of Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church, passing on July 23, 1998 and is buried in the church’s cemetery.
Arthur T. Slinde left the church a monetary gift with the intent for the funds to be directed toward youth ministry and education. The church honored his wishes and established the Art Slinde Scholarship passing on his gift to our members for more than 20 years. Benefactors of this gift include members of Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church attending a vocational school, college or university and our youngest members interested in educational programming at Good Earth Village.
Applications can be picked up at Six Mile Grove or online by clicking the Apply Here link below.
To be eligible for a post-secondary scholarship: Please refer to the Scholarship application for qualification requirements. For 2026's scholarship: Please return your application by January 1, 2026.
To be eligible for Good Earth Village camp scholarships: If financially affordable, campers are asked to contribute the first $25 per child per event. SMG will cover the remaining balance of the camp fee from scholarship proceeds. Guardians of youth should submit the application form prior to enrolling in the Good Earth Village program. Programs and events can be found on Good Earth Village’s website http://goodearthvillage.org/
Return your scholarship application to:
Six Mile Grove, P.O. Box 69, Lyle, MN 55953
Attention: Art Slide Scholarship Committee
Slinde Scholarship (Good Earth) Form (pdf)
DownloadThe ministry supports the Lyle Area Food Shelf with donations of healthy food and monetary support. Each year in conjunction with football's biggest event the congregation puts together a "Souper" Bowl campaign to increase donations of soup-related food. Donations are always welcome all-year-round.
If you are in need of assistance please visit the food shelf located at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Lyle, MN.
Six Mile Grove is supporting local Youth For Christ chapters. Youth for Christ is a worldwide Christian movement working with young people around the globe. Motivated by our own faith we give young people everywhere the opportunity to be followers of Jesus Christ.
There are many ways you can help support the mission! In 2021 Six Mile Grove was able to raise enough funds to build 2 Safe-T-Homes at the women's birthing center in Haiti! Our focus continues on helping women and babies with supplies they need to live healthy lives.
Donations can be delivered to either church or monetary donations can be routed to:
Six Mile Grove Church or Mona Lutheran Church
PO Box 69
Lyle, MN 55953
Health Kits
Wrap all items in the towel and tie with ribbon or yarn.
Baby Layettes
Clothing is preferred in sizes between 3-18 months. Wrap items in blankets and secure with pins. Items should be in new or gently used condition.
There's so much to see and learn about your ancestors on Find A Grave! So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about those at the Six Mile Grove cemetery.
2025 Cemetery Board:
Co-Team Presidents: Larry Aanonson
Treasurer: Gary Meyer
Secretary: Jim Sampson
Board Members: Timm Ehret, Jerry/Diane Sampson
One hundred years ago Six Mile Grove was a forest undisturbed by the European immigrants. The first Norwegians to settle in this part of the state arrived in 1854 and a few made their homes in Nevada Township.
SETTLERS: Thov Olson Uvesaker came to Six Mile Grove forest in 1853. He was gone during the winter, but came back in the spring of 1854. The following Norwegians moved and settled in the forest in the course of two years: Hans Senson and son, Christopher; Thrond Kleppo Richardson and son, Ole T.; Mathias Hanson; Knut Kvale; Swend Trasmet; Peter Martin; Gunder Halverson; Ole Thovson; Halver Thovson; Aslak Flaten; Torges Olson; Trond Bunde; Ole Sampson; Frederick Martin; Johannes Martin; Andre Anderson and sons, Hans C. and Anton.
During the next two or three years came: Herman Amundson and son, Knut; Knut Hage; Francis Hearsh; Thor Larson; Halvor Volstad; Torbjorn Enerson and sons, Sam, Tom, and Nels; Andrew Bergeson and sons, John and Hans; Richard Olson; Jarand Olson; Richard Lunde; Nels Olson, and son Ole Nelson.
The following settled here between 1858 and 1868; Gunder Knutson; Ole Rue; David Nelson and sons, Nels, Ed, and Ole; Torge Guttermson and sons Ole and Gustave; Lars Meyer and Son Christian; Knut Tollefson; Jacob Jacobson; Swend Jacobson; Knut Lastine; Dreng Augeson; Knut Stoe; Ole and Jens Stoe; Bjorn Jorgensen; Lars Olson Tuve; Gulbrand Hazelbreck; Ole Severson; Anders Veslehagen and sons Erick and Nels; Lars Arneson; Gunder Ostenson; Tollef Ostenson; Anders Ingebrightsen (aka: Andrew Femreit) and son Ingebreght Anderson; Gulbrand Morstad and son Tosten; Ole Lastine; Andrew Peterson; Johannes Arneson; Even Evenson; Ole Evenson; and Aslak Flaten.
ORGANIZATION: These well known people had belonged to the Lutheran State Church of Norway and while some probably had no spiritual cravings, others were yearning for the "Bread of Life" and looked prayerfully for a servant of God who could preach to them the Word of Salvation and administer the Sacraments of the Lord. The nearest Lutheran Church was at St. Ansgar, Iowa, where the first settlers took their infants for baptism and the young people for instruction in religion, preparatory to confirmation. Marriages were also performed there. Pastors, however, visited the settlement and gathered for devotional services. Among them were Pastors Clausen, Preus and Otteson.
Six Mile Grove congregation was permanently organized November 19, 1859. It was one of the first Scandinavian Lutheran Churches in Mower County. The first business meeting was held under the "Big Elm Tree" on the Thrond Kleppo Richardson farm in Section 29. Services continued there for a time and later in the homes until the church was built.
PASTORS: The Rev. C.L. Clausen organized the congregation and served the parishes of St. Ansgar, Iowa; Rock Creek, Six Mile Grove, and Red Oak Grove in Minnesota. It was called the C.L. Clausen Parish. He served until 1871 with the exception of the years of 1861 and 1862 when he served as chaplain in the army.
The Rev. Johan Olson succeeded him and served until 1878. Professor B.B. Geldaker was the next pastor until 1881 when the Rev. J. Muller Eggen was called. During his pastorate, the Rev. P.A. Dietrichson served as assistant part of 1904 and 1905. After serving the congregation for 23 years, the Rev. Eggen resigned on account of poor health. The Rev. N.N. Esser, who succeeded the Rev.. Eggen, served until 1912. Professor Olaf Lee of St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, was acting pastor during part of 1912 and 1913 until the next pastor, the Rev. A. Elmer Moe took charge. He served until 1922 with the exception of one year when he did organizational work at Owatonna, Minnesota. During this time, the Rev. G. Storoasli was in charge.
The Rev. Moe was succeeded by the Rev. C.S. Vang who served until 1925.
The Rev. O.M. Langehaugh served faithfully for 19 years, from 1925 to 1944.
The Rev. M.L. Hostager served during part of 1945 and 1946.
The Rev. T.G. Torvik was pastor of the congregation from 1946 to 1949.
The Rev. O.T. Boe served temporarily for three months in 1949.
The Rev. S.V. Gjervik came in December of 1949. He served until 1954. In 1951 Rev. Gervik participated in the writing of a new constitution that was adopted and shared by Mona, Our Saviors of Lyle, and Six Mile Grove who were known as Trinity Lutheran Parish. Under the guidance of Rev. Gjervik a Parish Center in Lyle was organized for the youth.
The Rev. Dr. S.O. Stenson served from 1954 until 1958.
The Rev. Gorden Rasmussen was Interim pastor from September, 1958, until July 1, 1959.
The Rev. Ernest Stolen was Interim Pastor from July to September, 1959.
The Rev. S. Klemesrud served from 1960 to 1969. While serving as pastor, he initiated sunrise services and Easter breakfasts and also urged the sponsoring of a missionary in Japan.
The Rev. Einar Unseth served from 1969 to 1975.
The Rev. Gaylord Grant served from 1975 to 1990. Their call to Trinity Parish brought the family from missionary service in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where they had served for 15 years.
Interim Rev. Dick Johnston served from August, 1990, through February, 1991.
The Rev. Daniel Benke served from March, 1991, to September, 1993.
The Rev. Russ Wangen served from 1993 to 1999. A native of Austin, Minnesota, Rev. Wangen had initially served as Interim pastor and then later accepted a call to serve as resident pastor.
Intern Pastor Lydia Mittag served from June, 1999, to July, 2000.
The Rev. Allen Gunderson was Interim Pastor from August 1, 2000, to July 20, 2001.
The Rev. Lydia Mittag was installed August 5, 2001, and is now serving her first call at Trinity Lutheran Parish.
Currently, Pastor Scott Meyer is serving both the Six Mile Grove and Mona congreations.
CONSTRUCTION: Work of construction of the Six Mile Grove Church was commenced in 1867, but the building was not completed until the following spring. The bricks for the church were made from soil in Section 27, known as the Ed Nelson farm. Ole Sampson laid the foundation for the church. The building committee was: The Rev. C.L. Clausen, Hans O. Anderson, Ole Sampson and Gunder Knutson.
DEDICATION: The church was dedicated in the year 1868 by the Rev. Johan Olson. On June 20, 1937, a historic monument with a bronze plate affixed to it was dedicated. This monument was erected in the H.O. Austinson farmyard by members and friends of Six Mile Grove. It fittingly marks the spot where the congregation organized 100 years ago and where divine services were held under the Big Elm tree in the early days. The Rev. A.B. Anderson and the Rev. John M. Eggen participated in the impressive dedicatory service. The monument was dedicated by Pastor O.M. Langehough in the presence of the vast audience assembled for this memorable outdoor event.
TRINITY PARISH: In January of 1951, the three churches of Mona, Six Mile Grove and Our Saviors of Lyle, that had always been a part of the same parish and served by the same pastors, adopted a parish constitution which united their membership even though they still had three places of worship. They sensed the need of a neutral center where they could carry on their joint organizational activities. They purchased the building that was then a furniture store, but had previously been a garage. The renovation began at once and on September 13, 1953, the Trinity Lutheran Parish Center was dedicated.
The center was not intended to replace any of the churches. It was not built or dedicated as a sanctuary, but as a workshop. It became the meeting place of Parish organizations. Joint Luther Leagues, Brotherhood, Gold Bang Club, L.C.R., Ladies Aid board and committee meetings used the Parish Center. It was also used as a recreation and community center.
In 1957 a beautiful parsonage was built for the pastor of the three churches, and it was located at the north end of Lyle.
CEMETERY: Much of the history of the area is reflected in the church cemetery. Many pioneer names may be found on the tombstones which mark burials as long ago as 1857. Many of the headstones were made of soft rock found in the area. Erosion has almost obliterated some of the lettering, but here and there can be found readable stones from burials in 1862.
The cemetery which was formerly owned and controlled by the congregation was turned over to the Six Mile Grove Cemetery association and incorporated March 10, 1913.
A great portion of the information contained in the foregoing history was assembled and written by the Centennial Committee for Six Mile Grove that gathered in 1958 and 1959 to plan its 100-year celebration. Those who contributed to the assembling and writing of the historical background were: Alfred Hofland, Lavern Austinson, Merle Nelson, Harold Dralle, Andrew Steen, Max Patterson, Walter Eggen, Mrs. Arthur (Alice) Rohne, Mrs. Ronald Nelson, Mrs. Hamlin Ashley, Adeline Lastine, Mrs. Newell Nelson, Newell Nelson, Herman Austinson, Melvin Martin and Elaine Klusmeier.
The history of Six Mile Grove Lutheran Church is cherished by its congregation. Every member of the congregation plays an important role. If you would like to learn more please contact a church historian or visit the Lyle Historical Society website for more.
Trinity Lutheran Parish